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Special Events

Newcomer's Circle 
Is this your first CMN conference? Come to the Newcomer’s Circle led by Dorothy Creswell and Fran Friedman and make some new friends as well as learn about some of our beloved conference traditions. And, of course, there will be singing!

Conference Opening
To kick off our Kaleidoscope of Melodies we will put light on some of the members outside of the US that bring interesting new colors to our community hosted by Alina Celeste. Be on the lookout for some surprise guests! In addition, we will explore some inspiring programs developing the next generation of musicians by bringing music programming to underserved communities. And don’t worry, we have built-in some time to say hello to or meet new friends.

CMN DEI Q&A Discussion with Peter Andrew Danzig 
CMN’s DEI Consultant, Peter Andrew Danzig, LSW, MSS, MA, CTP (they, them) kicked off the important work of creating community agreements in our organization. Please take the time to attend this event as it highlights the core values of CMN. This event is open to the entire CMN community in addition to all conference attendees.  Learn more about our discussion.

Keynote Speaker: Radmilla Cody
“K'é Hasin/ Enduring Kinship & Hope”

Round Robin
As is tradition, opened the microphone with our virtual Round Robin, where all  shared their glimmer of light with our community. 

PIO! Scholars Award
Presentation of Pass It On! Scholars Award to Evalyn Harper.

Magic Penny Award Ceremony
Honoring Aaron Nigel Smith.

Conference Closing
As we gathered to end our virtual time together, we began by honoring Dave Kinnoin   who shines as a helper with our second recipient of the Fred Rogers Who Are The Helpers Award!  Following that presentation, we shared a few performances by conference bright lights and ended with our tradition of communal sharings.


Our CMN annual conference is now over 30 years old!! Every year it gets bigger and better, creating many opportunities for performers, educators, song­writers, librarians, and families—all those who love music for children—to gather. Together, we connect and reconnect and fill our hearts with laughter and song by sharing songs, ideas, resources and information.

Looking forward to seeing you in 2023, #cannotwait!

The Children's Music Network
10 Court Street #22, Arlington, MA 02476
(339) 707-0277 |

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